EB News 59 July 2010
EB News is an email newsletter featuring events & workshops
promoting earth building & low impact living.
Please feel free to pass this newsletter around!
Contact Editor: EarthBuildingAssociationNZ@gmail.com
Editor says: Hey, yes it’s winter (in NZ) and there is a general feeling of hibernation, AND YET
there are still fantastic things happening in Aotearoa !! Have a look, and please send me your events!
EB News
Membership only $55 / year!
We’ll discount $5 (making it $50 total) if you pay by internet banking:
Internet Banking: Kiwibank account # 38-9007-0611251-00
Please include in reference field – your last name
(so we can match you up with your payment)
SNAIL MAIL: join by filling out & sending us the Membership Form & cheque
– click here for the form
EMAIL: enter the required details (from the online form) into an email
– click here to email EBANZ Membership

Earthbuilding Workshop
10 – 12 September 2010, Nelson
Friday 10th, Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th September 2010
9.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.
SolidEarth Adobe Brickyard, Wakapuaka, Nelson North
$ 270.00 for the three days. This includes materials and theoretical information.
Hot drinks and a warm lunch will be provided. Please bring your own snacks.
We restrict places to twelve participants in order to do some serious hands-on work in small groups and enable you to get one-to-one tuition.
You will be either working on one project of your choice or rotate to experience the many possibilities of the building material earth.
Topics covered…
♣ Making and laying Adobe Bricks
♣ Building walls and furniture from cob, light-earth, wattle-and-daub (traditional techniques)
♣ Sculpting an outdoor pizza oven
♣ Experimentation with earthen plasters, natural paints and sealants
♣ Earthbuilding theory and professional techniques
♣ Visit of a commercial Adobe Brickyard and view realized projects relating to the above topics
With “hands-on” we also mean “feet-on”.
Preparation of the earth mixes involves a bit of mud-dancing. You are bound to get quite dirty, so please dress appropriately and bring some gumboots.
Please book as soon as possible – preferably by the 1st September 2010 – as spaces are limited.
Fill in and send the form below to: SolidEarth Adobe Buildings, Main Rd, Wakapuaka, RD1 Nelson
Please enclose the workshop fee in full in order to secure your space. Make cheques payable to SolidEarth Adobe Buildings Ltd or pay directly onto our bank account No. 38-9003-0705891-00.
We do not refund the fee in case you are not attending the workshop. However we will return the full amount in case of cancellation due to too few enrolments.
For more information and enrolment please contact Verena on
(03) 545 0240 or 021 036 3938 or send us an e-mail: contact@solidearth.co.nz

(Bill Mollison, David Holmgren and Steve Cran)
Australian Permaculture Convergence 2010
Kuranda, September 24-27, 2010, Australia
In three decades the movement has now grown into an international network with thousands of system designers on every continent on the planet. Permaculture has been described as one of Australia’s most significant “intellectual exports”
(Holmgren, 2009).
Register www.apc10.org/node/10

(image credit below)
Gisborne Eco Home Tour
26 September 9-3pm
Limited seating !
Bookings essential !!!
Contact: Tairawhiti Environment Centre
email: earthcenter@xtra.co.nz
Phone: 06) 8674708
(image credit R. Walker – house shown is not on the tour)

Earthen Hand
Sign up to Scott Howard’s e-newsletter, or travel over to the USA, Oregon (or Puerto Rico!) to attend a workshop of his!
Scott is passionate and is constantly in touch with EB News to promote his hugely popular courses.
2010 Workshop Schedule
Cob Basics and Beyond………..August 21-22
Cob Farm House………………….August 24-29
Cob Oven Workshop……………..Oct 2-3
Check him out or Sign-up today at:
“First Tuesday”
Sustainability Speakers Series 2010
14 ERSON Ave, Royal Oak.
$5-00 Koha at Door
Ongoing course as per below:
3 August
John Darroch
Transforming the Suburbs—Young Voices Moving Us Forward into Sustainability
7 September
Lynda Hallinan
Living off of the Produce (and the Proceeds) of My Own Garden
5 October
Finn Mackesy
Urban Permaculture: Modern Solutions for Sustaining Auckland
For more info contact: Scott Theimann
Tel: (09) 625 9811 Mob: 027 622 9811
For map: http://www.ecoevents.org.nz/node/893
Towards Renewable Energy
Saturday 4th September 10 – 4, Kaiwaka
Tutors: Sabine Drueckler and Wolfgang Hiepe
Cost: $90
Design your life to use more renewable energy, and get away with using less. This workshop will explore the philosophical and ecological ideas which make us change the way we live. Looks at how much electricity you really need. How can you reduce your consumption? Explore what is available in the alternative energy sector, see what Sabine and Wolf have done, and make plans for what you can do at your place.
or phone us at the shop: 09 4312732.
We ask for a deposit of 50% of the cost of the workshop
when you make your booking.
Payment can be by cheque or internet banking.

ECOFEST – Nelson
Saturday, August 21, 2010 – Sunday, August 22, 2010
It’s the tenth birthday of this fantastic annual event!
Over 120 exhibitors of environmentally-friendly products, services & innovations. Everything from sustainable transport to alternative energy, eco design, household products, kids’ trail and organics.
All this supported by free seminars, organic cooking demonstrations, heaps of hands-on workshops and interactive opportunities to learn about everything sustainable! http://www.ecofestnelsontasman.co.nz/

Highly recommended by the Editor !!
“As part of our kaupapa to encourage and support sustainable living in NZ, we organise Events, Workshops and Permaculture Design Courses. These are at the leading edge in the art and science of sustainable living, and are part of the emergence of a ‘post-industrial’ culture which creates abundance and works with ‘nature’.”
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Thanks for reading EB News!
Editor – EB News